HC Deb 04 July 1910 vol 18 c1316

asked whether the statement in his Report for the year 1908–9, page 65, that the Cardiganshire County Council has provided a holiday course of instruction in the Welsh language is accurate; whether he is aware that the holiday course held at Aberystwith was under the auspices of the Welsh Language Society, which has been arranging such a course every summer for some years with the assistance of many of the Welsh local education authorities; and whether the Board of Education has any knowledge of the voluntary work that has been done by the Welsh Language Society?


The statement referred to is not accurate. It was desired to show in the Report where the various summer courses took place, and, by inadvertence, the course in question was referred to as being provided by the authority in whose area it is given. The course referred to was that arranged by the Welsh Language Society. The Board are fully cognisant of the work of the Society, to whom they have been paying grants in respect of their summer courses since the year 1907.