HC Deb 28 February 1910 vol 14 cc587-8

asked the Secretary of State for War if there was a shortage of officers in the balloon and aviation branch of the Royal Engineers; if so, and in view of the great advance that was being made by foreign countries in this branch of military work, would he state what he could propose to increase the number of officers in this branch of the service?


also asked the right hon. Gentleman whether he was aware that officers of the Royal Engineers engaged in the regular work of ballooning and aviation were unable to insure against accidents on such favourable terms as other officers in the Army; and whether, in view of the risks incurred in this service, some consideration in extra pay should be given, on the same principle as extra pay was given for extra risk in the Navy?


In reply to these two questions I may inform my hon. Friend that the whole organisation of the balloon companies is now under consideration, and that the question of the pay of officers and men will be dealt with. In reference to the matter of insurance representations have reached the War Office to the effect stated in the question.