Mr. KINGasked whether the inquiry into the loss of the steamship "Thistle-moor" will take place on 3rd May; if not, when it will take place, and where; and whether, when the inquiry is held, the 445 scope of the inquiry will embrace the questions if on the night of the wreck there was adequate watch kept on shore for danger signals, and if, generally, extended arrangements for coast watching are needed along the shores of the Bristol Channel?
Mr. BUXTONThe inquiry into the loss of the steamship "Thistlemoor" has been fixed for 3rd May, and will be held at Bide-ford. The scope of the inquiry will include the arrangements made for coast watching on the shores of Barnstaple Bay on the night of the wreck. The question of the coast watching beyond this district will be dealt with by the Board of Trade in connection with the local investigations which we are now making on the subject.