§ Mr. HAZLETONMr. Speaker, I desire to call your attention to a serious inaccuracy in the OFFICIAL REPORT of yesterday's proceedings of this House in Committee, in reference to the speech of the right hon. and learned Member for the University of Dublin (Mr. J. H. Campbell). The OFFICIAL REPORT of the latter part of the right hon. Gentleman's speech seriously differs from what will be in the recollection of the Committee of what the right hon. Gentleman said, and from the reports of his speech that appear this morning in "The Times," "Standard," "Daily Express," "Daily News," and other London morning papers. I desire to ask you whether the OFFICIAL REPORT will be corrected, so as to give in that report what the right hon. Gentleman actually said. The OFFICIAL REPORT, in column 2,429, gives the right hon. Gentleman as using these words:—
apart altogether from the question of the privity of Mr. Parnell whether it is a fact or not that the terrible murder in Phœnix Park—My recollection is—and I am sure it is the recollection of hon. Members of the Committee who were present, and the 2459 reports in all the London papers this morning give the words—that the right hon. Gentleman used these words:—apart altogether from the question of the privity of Mr. Parnell with the terrible murder in Phœnix Park—These were the words to which grave objection was taken not only on these benches, but, I think, in all quarters of the House; and I desire to ask your ruling as to whether the words inserted in the OFFICIAL REPORT are to stand, or whether the correct words will be inserted in the OFFICIAL REPORT of the Debates of this House?
§ Mr. SPEAKERSince I received the hon. Member's letter intimating that he was going to raise this question—which reached me only a quarter of an hour ago —I have had time to look at only two newspapers. One of them reports the right hon. Gentleman in the same sense as "The Times," that is to say, in these words:—
apart altogether from the question of the privity of Mr. Parnell with the terrible murder in Phœnix Park—The other newspaper reports him as using the words appearing in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I cannot take upon myself to say which is correct, because I was not here, and I did not hear the words. I will consult the Chairman of the Committee, to see what is his recollection in the matter, and I will call the attention of the editor of the Debates to the matter. I have no doubt that by collating the different reports which have been taken in the Gallery upstairs, the editor will be able to arrive at the exact words.