HC Deb 21 April 1910 vol 16 cc2309-10

asked whether the Government of India proposes to examine its standard of expenditure in view to a reduction, in consequence of the statement made by the Finance Member of Council to the effect that, owing to the loss of the opium revenue and demands for further expenditure in many directions, the present standard of administration will ultimately be beyond the means at the command of the Government?


The Government of India have not communicated to the Secretary of State any proposal for a special examination of their standard of expenditure. The Finance Minister's statement shows, however, that they are fully alive, as is the Secretary of State, to the necessity of restricting expenditure. They have drawn the attention of provincial Governments to the necessity of keeping their expenditure within the limits of their assigned revenues.


Will the Secretary of State consider whether the proposed separation of judicial and administrative functions is not a matter in which some saving might be effected by leaving things as they are?


That does not arise out of the question.