HC Deb 19 April 1910 vol 16 c1864

asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies whether he can state the working costs, profits, and dividends of the mines of Witwatersand and the outside districts for 1908 and 1909, namely, the tons milled, the stamps at work, the duty per stamp per diem, the number of tube-mills, the yield in fine ounces, the yield in sterlings, the yield per ton, the working costs per ton, the profits per ton, and the dividends declared?

Colonel SEELY

I will circulate the information desired by my hon. Friend with the Votes, so far as it is available. — [See Written Answers this date.]


Are the dividends to which the hon. Member referred average dividends or dividends upon the different mines?

Colonel SEELY

The hon. Gentleman will see when I circulate the answer in the Votes.