HC Deb 19 April 1910 vol 16 cc1884-5

asked the Attorney-General for Ireland whether a transfer of a licence was granted at the last Strabane quarter sessions to Thomas Evans, of Donemana, county Tyrone, although he had pleaded guilty at the last assizes for county Tyrone to a charge of riot; whether the Crown gave an undertaking on this occasion not to oppose the transfer; and, if so, whether he sanctioned the course taken by Crown counsel and the Crown Solicitor?

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL for IRELAND (Mr. Redmond Barry)

In reply to the first part of the hon. Member's question, the answer is in the affirmative. I am further informed by the Crown Solicitor that it was agreed at the recent assizes that the plea of guilty entered by Evans should not, in the absence of any other objection, be used against him in his application for a transfer of a licence. Personally I was not aware of the arrangement, but I am informed by the Crown Solicitor that it was made in the view that Evans' submission in pleading guilty was a sufficient vindication of the law, and that in the circumstances no advantage would be gained by pressing the matter further.