HC Deb 18 April 1910 vol 16 c1704

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mr. Thomas H. Blackall, J.P., has obtained compensation, at Ennis, for damage done to his house and property by the discharge of rifle bullets and shots; that County Court Judge Bodkin described it as a base and dastardly outrage, firing into a room where a lady and gentleman were, recklessly not caring whether they were killed or not; and whether the authors of this outrage have been discovered and brought to justice?


I understand that Mr. Blackall obtained compensation at Ennis Quarter Sessions on the 12th instant for malicious injury to his property by the firing of shots into his house on the night of 3rd January last, and that the county court judge used the words quoted by the hon. Member in reference to the case. The authors of the outrage have not yet been discovered.