HC Deb 07 April 1910 vol 16 c603
Captain BARING

asked the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies if he will state to what point it is proposed to withdraw the troops to Somaliland; when the withdrawal will be completed; and whether it is proposed to evacuate the ports of Bulhar and Zeila?

Colonel SEELY

The troops have been withdrawn to the coast. For the present, at any rate, garrisons will be maintained at Bulhar and Zeila, and will not be withdrawn so long as there appears to be sufficient reason for maintaining them.

Captain BARING

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman to define a little more closely what he means by "coast"? Does it merely refer to the port of Berbera?

Colonel SEELY

Well, I think, the word "coast" is sufficiently plain. Troops no longer occupy the small interior posts. We do occupy Berbera with a considerable force, and also Bulhar and Zeila, which are also ports along the coast.


Is it proposed to fortify Berbera?

Colonel SEELY

Berbera is already fortified in an adequate manner, and Bulhar and Zeila are quite able to take care of themselves. I do not think that the House need be under apprehension as to the safety of these three ports.