- Belfast Reformatory and Industrial Schools—Reduction of Capitation Grant. 147 words c4
- Water Supply of the Country. 126 words cc4-5
- Damage to Country Roads by Heavy Motor Traffic. 172 words c5
- The Clarke Estate, County Cork. 112 words cc5-6
- Methylated Spirit Drinking in Londonderry. 151 words c6
- Vaccination Exemption Certificates. 119 words c6
- Local Government Board's Boarding-out Orders. 61 words cc6-7
- Appointment of Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists in Dublin. 159 words c7
- Cost of Acquiring the National Telephone Company's Undertaking by the Post Office. 149 words c8
- Irish Ordnance Survey. 186 words c8
- Increase in Number of Commissioners in Lunacy. 111 words cc8-9
- Towing of Disused Warships to New Berths. 169 words c9
- Allowances to Clerks in the Office of the Registrar-General of Seamen. 145 words cc9-10
- Promotion of Assistant Clerks (New Class) in the Custom House. 90 words c10
- Mountmellick Town Commissioners and Fines imposed at Petty Sessions. 101 words c10
- Fines Payable to Town Commissions. 82 words cc10-1
- India—Permission for Natives to bear Arms. 240 words cc11-3
- Ireland—Unprotected Railway Loading Banks for Cattle. 506 words c13
- Ireland—Remuneration of Jurors for Loss of Time, etc. 181 words c13
- Immigrants Refused Admission into Australia. 78 words c14
- Emigration of British, and Irish Subjects to the Colonies. 128 words