§ The following Papers, presented by Command of Her Majesty during the Recess, were delivered to the Librarian of the House of Commons during the Recess, pursuant to the Standing Order of the 14th August 1896:—
- 1. South African Republic,—Copy of Correspondence relating to the Status of the South African Republic.
- 2. South African Republic,—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to Pro- 55 posed Political Reforms in the South African Republic.
- 3. South African Republic,—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to Political Affairs in the South African Republic.
- 4. South African Republic,—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to Political Affairs in the South African Republic.
- 5. Nigeria,—Copy of Correspondence relating to the Benin Territories Expedition, 1899.
- 6. Contagious Diseases Ordinances (Colonies),—Copy of Correspondence regarding the Measures to be adopted for checking the spread of Venereal Disease in Ceylon, Hong Kong, and the Straits Settlements.
- 7. Colonial Reports (Annual),—Copies of Reports Nos. 266 (Leeward Islands, AnnualReport for 1898), 267 (Saint Lucia, Annual Report for 1898), 268 (Fiji, Annual Report for 1898), 269 (Turks and Caicos Islands, Annual, Report for 1898), 270 (Malta, Annual Report for 1898), 271 (Gold Coast, Annual Report for 1898), 272 (Trinidad, Annual Report for 1898), 273 (Sierra Leone, Annual Report for 1898), and 274 (Ceylon, Annual Report for 1898).
- 8. Straits Settlements (Federated Malay States),—Copy of Reports on the Federated Malay States for 1898.
- 9. Trade Reports (Annual Series),—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series, Nos. 2329 to 2361.
- 10. Trade Reports (Miscellaneous Series),—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous Series, Nos. 509 to 515.
- 11. Africa (No. 8, 1899),—Copy of Correspondence respecting the Status of Slavery in East Africa and the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba.
- 12. Africa (No. 9, 1899),—Copy of Report by Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonald, R. E., of his Expedition from the Uganda Protectorate, 3rd May 1898 to 5th March 1899.
- 13. Samoa (No. 1, 1899),—Copy of Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Samoa. Report of the Joint Commission. 56
- 14. Venezuela (No. 4, 1899),—Copy of Case of the United States of Venezuela before the Tribunal of Arbitration to convene at Paris under the Treaty concluded at Washington on the 2nd February1897, between Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of Venezuela respecting the Settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and the United States of Venezuela; Vol. 1.
- 15. Venezuela (No. 5, 1899),—Copy of Counter Case of the United States of Venezuela before the Tribunal of Arbitration to convene at Paris under the Treaty concluded at Washington on the 2nd February 1897, between Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of Venezuela respecting the Settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and the United States of Venezuela; Vol. 1.
- 16. Venezuela (No. 6, 1899),—Copy of Printed Argument on behalf of the United States of Venezuela before the Tribunal of Arbitration constituted under the Treaty concluded at Washington on the 2nd February 1897, between Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of Venezuela respecting the Settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and the United States of Venezuela.
- 17. Treaty Series (No. 16, 1899),—Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and Guatemala relative to Trade Marks. Signed at Guatemala, 20th July 1898. Ratifications exchanged at Guatemala, 28th July 1899.
- 18. Treaty Series (No. 17, 1899),—Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium relative to the Remittance of Money Orders by Telegraph between the two Countries. Signed at London, 15th September, 1899. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29th September, 1899.
- 19. Intermediate Education (Ireland) (Commission),—Copy of Final Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into and report upon the system of Intermediate Education in Ireland, as established by the Intermediate Education (Ireland) Act, 1878, etc.
- 20. Intermediate Education (Ireland) (Commission),—Copy of Appendix to Final Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into and report upon 57 the system of Intermediate Education in Ireland, as established by the Intermediate Education (Ireland) Act, 1878, etc.; Part I. (Minutes of Evidence).
- 21. Intermediate Education (Ireland) (Commission),—Copy of Appendix to Final Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into and report upon the system of Intermediate Education in Ireland, as established by the Intermediate Education (Ireland) Act, 1878, etc.; Part II. (Miscellaneous Documents).
- 22. Irish Land Commission (Proceedings),—Copy of Return of Proceedings of the Commission during the month of June 1899.
- 23. Irish Land Commission (Judicial Rents),—Copy of Returns of Judicial Rents fixed during the month of January1899.
- 24. Irish Land Commission (Judicial Rents),—Copy of Returns of Judicial Rents fixed during the month of February 1899.
- 25. East India (Statistical Abstract),—Copy of Statistical Abstract relating to British India from 1888–9 to 1897–8, Thirty-third Number.
- 26. Lunacy (Scotland),—Copy of Forty-first Annual Report of the General Board of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland.
- 27. Prisons (Scotland),—Copy of Report on Prison Dietaries, by James Craufurd Dunlop, M. D).
- 28. Tramway and Gas and Water Orders,—Copy of Report by the Board of Trade of their Proceedings under The Tramways Act, 1870, and The Gas and Water Works Facilities Act, 1870, during the Session of 1899.
- 29. Factory and Workshop (Dangerous Trades) (Committee),—Copy of Final Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to inquire into and report upon certain Miscellaneous Dangerous Trades.
- 30. Mines and Quarries,—Copy of General Report and Statistics for the year 1898, Part II., Labour; General Report and Statistics relating to persons employed and Accidents at Mines and 58 Quarries in the United Kingdom, and to the enforcement of the Mines and Quarries Acts.
- 31. Explosions (Holehaven, Essex),—Copy of Report by Colonel A. Ford, C. B., Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Explosives, to the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the circumstances attending an ignition of Cordite which occurred in the blending and packing house of the factory of Messrs. Kynoch, Limited, at Holehaven, Essex, on the 8th June 1899.
- 32. Factory and Workshop (Lead Compounds in Pottery),—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Professor Thomas Oliver, M. D., F. R. C. P., Physician to the Royal Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, upon the Pottery Industry in France.
- 33. Mines and Quarries,—Copy of General Report and Statistics for the year 1898, Part III., Output; General Report and Statistics relating to the Output and Value of the Minerals raised in the United Kingdom, the amount and value of the metals produced, and the exports and imports of Minerals.
- 34. Naval Medical Officers (Training)(Committee),—Copy of Report to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty of the Committee on the Training of Naval Medical Officers.
- 35. Local Taxation (Royal Commission),—Copy of Memoranda chiefly relating to the Classification and Incidence of Imperial and Local Taxes.
§ Ordered, That the said Papers do lie upon the Table.