MR. SCOTT (Lanes, Leigh)I beg; to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can now give any information as to the recent arrests in the Transvaal and as to the nature and importance of the movement in which the persons arrested were believed to be engaged.
MR. J. CHAMERLAINI received last night the following telegram from Sir Alfred Milner:
British agent report, following are names prisoners: Richard Floyd Nicholls, 37, miner, Cornishman; George Patterson,40, Irish; both are ex-Non-Commissioned Officers British Cavalry; Charles Agar-Ellis. 27, ex-Colour Sergeant British Infantry, Englishman; John Allen Mitechell, 46, ex-Sergeant-Major Royal Horse Artillery, Englishman; Edward James Tremlett, 30, civilian, Englishman; Robert 1025 Poole Hooper, 46, ex-military man, served in India and Matabeleland as Non-Commissioned Officer; Jean Pries, 40, Dane. Prisoners charged with high treason, brought before Landdrost's Court yesterday, remanded formally for fortnight.I have no other information, except that President Kruger stated to Mr. Greene that there was no proof that the persons arrested had been officers in the British Army, and that in any case the incident would not be allowed to disturb friendly relations. I may add that the President of the South African League has publicly repudiated, on behalf of the league, any connection, direct or indirect, with the enlistment of persons for any purpose whatever in any state or colony.