HC Deb 15 May 1899 vol 71 cc604-5

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether his attention has been called to the fact that at the labour certificate examination held at Camphill School, Paisley, on the 7th ult., out of a total of 217 applicants for pass certificates in Standards 3 and 5 only 100 passed; whether, when teachers were paid by the results of these examinations 90 to 100 per cent. of applicants passed, against only 46 per cent. at the last examination, the examination papers at such examinations have been made more difficult than formerly; and, whether he has any objection to lay upon the Table a copy of the examination papers used at the examination on the 7th ult.


No communication has boon received from the School Board as to the matter referred to in the honourable Member's question. It is not surprising that the results of a general examination of the school showed better average results than the examination of those candidates who are presented for the labour certificate, who, it is hoped, represent only those who desire to leave school before obtaining the merit certificate. Such examinations are not, as a rule, conducted by means of papers, and it would not therefore be possible to follow the course proposed in the last paragraph of the question.