§ MR. MACLEANI beg to ask the Secretary of State for India if the Bombay and Kurrachee Chambers were among the important public bodies consulted by the Government of India in order to ascertain public opinion on the proposal to place a countervailing duty 152 on foreign bounty-fed sugar; and if those chambers expressed opinions adverse to the Bill which has now been passed into law?
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIAThe text of the opinions of the various chambers of commerce on the sugar duties question has not yet reached me, but a telegraphic summary of the opinions received states that the Kurrachee chamber thought it a duty uncalled for on general theoretical grounds, but admitted they had no opportunity of noting the effect of imports on home industry. The Bombay chamber expressed somewhat similar opinions. I hope to receive and lay on the Table these and other Papers on the question within a few weeks.