MR. CARVELL WILLIAMSI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, in view of the provisions of the Act of 5 Victoria, cap. 6, section 3, which provides that no person shall be consecrated a bishop in a Foreign country until one of the archbishops has applied for Her Majesty's licence authorising him to consecrate such person, nor until the archbishop has been fully assured of the sufficiency of such person in good learning, of his soundness in his faith, and of the purity of his morals, the Government have advised, or will advise, Her Majesty to issue such a licence to the Archbishop of Canterbury to consecrate the Rev. G. L. King, Vicar of St. Mary's, South Shields, a member of the English Church Union, as Bishop of Madagascar?
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURYI understand that the licence 155 to which the honourable Member refers can only be applied for through the Foreign Secretary; but I cannot conceive that, on the application of the Archbishop, any Foreign Secretary would refuse to further the licence.