MR. CARVELL WILLIAMS (Notts., Mansfield)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he will state to what religious denominations the chaplains to the Royal Navy severally belong; naming the total belonging to each denomination?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Mr. W. E. MACARTNEY, Antrim, S.)There are 106 chaplains of the Church of England in the Royal Navy, and also two Roman Catholic chaplains employed at Portsmouth and Devonport. In addition to the above there are three Church of England, 18 Roman Catholic, seven Wesleyan, and four Presbyterian clergymen, who receive fixed annual allowances, but are not designated chaplains. Various other allowances, based on a capitation scale, are made to clergy of the Church of England and Episcopal Churches of Ireland and Scotland, to Roman Catholic clergymen, and to Wesleyan, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Congregationalist ministers for spiritual ministrations to officers and men of the Navy. Such services are more or less of a casual nature, and the number of clergymen receiving these allowances necessarily fluctuates.