HC Deb 17 March 1899 vol 68 cc1153-4
COLONEL DENNY (Kilmarnock Burghs)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that the revised claims of British subjects resident in Constantinople for losses incurred by pillage and looting of their warehouses and premises during the Armenian massacres of August 1896 amount to £35,000, for which no indemnity has yet been received by the victims of these outrages, and that two at least of the claimants have had to succumb in consequence of the losses sustained, and that others are on the verge of bankruptcy; whether, since the British Government controls the Cyprus tribute, claims could be made good from that fund; and would he state what steps have been taken to urge the justice of these claims upon the Sublime Porte for immediate settlement?


The amount of the British claims as sent in to the Porto is £32,980. The particulars of hardships mentioned have not been reported to the Foreign Office, but the long delay is regrettable. There would be difficulties in the way of obtaining a settlement by the method suggested in the second paragraph of the Question. Her Majesty's Government have concerted with other Powers as to securing payment, and Her Majesty's Ambassador has again brought the matter earnestly to the notice of the Turkish Foreign Minister in addition.