§ CAPTAIN NORTON (Newington, W.)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether it has been brought to his notice that, in connection with the recent death of a non-commissioned officer of the 4th Volunteer Battalion (the Queen's) Royal West Surrey Regiment, application was made for leave for a military funeral, and whether the application was not acceded to on the ground that no authority could be found for such a ceremonial in relation to Volunteers; and whether, if that be the case, the Secretary of State for War will cause the Volunteer Regulations to be so amended as to permit in future of Military honours being paid at the funeral of any officer, noncommissioned officer, or private serving in the Volunteer force at the time of his death, provided such Military funeral is desired by relatives or others concerned?
§ MR. WYNDHAMThe application for a Military funeral was refused by the officer commanding the battalion on the grounds referred to in the question. The suggestion of amending the regulations to provide for such funerals will be carefully considered by the Secretary of State for War.