§ MR. J. M. MACLEANI beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether he has received any information concerning the statement, telegraphed yesterday from Cape Town, that Mr. 977 Hofmeyr has publicly protested against the policy pursued by the Colonial Office in its correspondence with the Government of the South African Republic. Before putting this question I wish to point out that an alteration has been made in the question as handed in at the Table. This alteration has enlarged the scope of my inquiry very much and has made it inapplicable to Mr. Hofmeyr's position. It has never been suggested that Mr. Hofmeyr is hostile to the enfranchisement of the Uitlanders, which commands everyone's approval, but merely that he has criticised very freely the tone of the right hon. Gentleman's despatches on matters of detail.
§ MR. SPEAKERThe question was submitted at the Table with a qualifying adjective in front of the word "policy," which was struck out with my consent and approbation as being contrary to the rules of the House.
§ MR. J. M. MACLEANMy only desire, Sir, is to point out that the alteration has so enlarged the scope of the question that as it stands on the Paper it is not fair to Mr. Hofmeyr.
§ MR. J. CHAMBERLAINIn whatever form the question is put, the answer is in the negative.