§ MR. WEIRI beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether the attention of the Secretary for Scotland has been called to the Education Report for the Northern Division of Scotland for the year 1898, in which, speaking of hygiene, one of Her Majesty's chief inspectors says that sufficient attention is not paid to the provision in schools of a suitable water supply and 766 the regular and thorough cleansing of offices, and, further, that the drainage is not attended to, with the result that there are periodical epidemics; and will he state whether any steps have been taken to remedy these defects.
§ * MR. A. GRAHAM MURRAYThe matter referred to is one which properly belongs to the sanitary authorities; and while there is reason to think that in many cases there has been considerable deficiency, the increased attention given to these defects has led to improvement in many places. My Lords trust that the remarks of the chief inspector will stimulate that attention.