HC Deb 23 June 1899 vol 73 cc453-4
MR. T. M. HEALY (Louth, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in view of the fact that the Local Government Board have informed inquirers that they do not possess the rules of the Civil Service, referred to in Section 115, Sub-section (6) of the Local Government Act, 1898, and the seventh schedule thereof, will he explain how are local authorities and officers claiming compensation to obtain these rules, as no bookseller can supply them; and will he order them to be printed and furnished to local authorities, or in some way made available for reference.


Information as to pensions and compensation payable in accordance with the scale provided by the Acts and Rules relating to Her Majesty's Civil Service is supplied, not by the Local Government Board, but by the Treasury, to whom all inquiries in the matter should be addressed. I have forwarded to the hon. and learned Member a copy of a statement which is sent out by the Treasury to local authorities, or interested individuals, in reference to compensation under the Local Government Acts in force in England and Scotland. Local authorities in Ireland will be informed by the Local Government Board that any information required by them respecting this matter will be supplied by the Treasury, to whom, as I have said, application should be made direct.