HC Deb 02 June 1899 vol 72 c176
*MR. HATCH (Lancs., Gorton)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether the Chinese authorities at Canton have objected to the establishment by Messrs. Banher and Company, British subjects resident there, of business premises in the native city of Canton; whether Messrs. Banher and Company in establishing such premises are acting within treaty rights; and, such being the case, whether Her Majesty's Government have taken any steps to ensure the enforcement of such rights?


A British subject named Banker having intimated towards the end of last year his desire to open a piece goods shop in the native city of Canton, the Viceroy requested Her Majesty's Consul to order Banker to close it, basing his opposition on the 3rd section of the Chefoo Convention. The Consul in reply pointed out that the section in question was abrogated by the Additional Article signed in 1885, and stated that he was informing Mr. Banker that he was at liberty to pursue his business, but that, in the event of the two Governments subsequently deciding that the area of exemption from likin was to be confined to the foreign concessions, he would be liable to the payment of likin.

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