HC Deb 31 July 1899 vol 75 cc944-5

1. £65,000, Supplementary, Public Buildings, Great Britain.

* SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

Does this Vote include the item for the London University?




I should like to hear some explanation in reference to the circumstances in which the London University are to occupy the Imperial Institute.


The money now asked for is to purchase a portion of the Imperial Institute for the housing of the London University. The arrangement is as follows: The lease under which the buildings are held from the Commissioners of Exhibition of 1851 will be transferred to the Office of Works, who will become responsible for the maintenance, rates, custody, and protection of buildings. A portion of the buildings—those at the western end—will be assigned for the use of the Institute, free of rent, but with the responsibility for internal maintenance and repair. The eastern and central portion, including the principal entrance, vestibule, and staircase and great hall, together with upper floors and temporary wooden structure now in northeastern court, will form the new home of London University. The space will give far larger accommodation to the London University than that now enjoyed at Burlington Gardens. In consideration of transfer of lease, the Government will provide funds sufficient to pay off existing mortgage of £40,000, and discharge floating debt of£15,000. The structural alterations will cost £7,000, making in all£62,000; The remaining£3,000 is for half-year's maintenance and repair, together with fuel, lighting, and the necessary furniture. There has been a strong feeling for some time that better use might be made of the buildings of the Imperial Institute, and there is also a very strong feeling that it is a very suitable place for the London University. I trust the short explanation that I have given has fully explained to hon. Members the proposals of the Government in regard to finding a home for the new London University.

Vote agreed to.

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