HC Deb 27 July 1899 vol 75 c510

I beg to ask the Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education when the Report of the trustees of the National Library of Ireland (Kildare Street, Dublin) for 1898 will be laid before Parliament: whether he is aware that the present building is inadequate for the increasing number of books; whether there is any intention to raise the grant of £1,300, given for the purchase of books, as this is the only library in Ireland similar to the British Museum; and whether the Government will comply with the urgent request of the trustees by increasing the staff of attendants and assistant librarians, and generally improving the position of the library for the benefit of the many students who frequent it.


The Report of the trustees of the National Library of Ireland is published as part of the Report of the Science and Art Department, which will be in the hands of Members shortly. I am aware that further accommodation is required, and application has been made to the Board of Works for the completion of the unfinished wing of the building. A new room has recently become available, and this will in some degree mitigate the pressure. The grant was increased from £1,000 to £1,300 a year for the financial year 1898–9, and for the four following years. It is not probable that any further increase can be made at present. In reply to the concluding paragraph of the hon. Member's question, I find that the staff of attendants has been increased by four since September, 1896, two of whom were added as lately as April last.