HC Deb 26 July 1899 vol 75 c365


Special Report from the Select Committee brought up, and read.

The Committee reported with respect to the Great Southern and Western Railway Bill and the Waterford and Central Ireland Railway Bill.

(Paragraph 10.)

"That they recommend that notwithstanding the readiness of the promoters to proceed with the Great Southern and Western Railway Bill, and so fulfil their pledge, it is advisable, having regard to the period of the session which has been reached, that the Order for the committal of that Bill, and the Instruction relating thereto, be discharged.

"The Waterford and Central Ireland Railway Bill is a Bill for extension of time only, but as it seems impossible that the Bill should pass through all its stages in the present session, the Committee recommend that the Order for the Committal of that Bill also be discharged, and that both Bills be withdrawn."

Special Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Minutes of Proceedings to be printed. (No. 290.)