HC Deb 25 July 1899 vol 75 c244
MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the resolution and protest against the Local Government Order of 15th May last, adopted by the Rural District Council of Downpatrick on the 8th instant, in which they call upon the Local Government Board to have the same rescinded; and whether inquiry will be made into the whole matter.


On the 8th instant the Downpatrick Rural District Council passed a resolution objecting, in general terms, to the Order of 15th May, and asking that it should be rescinded. There is only one work of any magnitude in the rural district—namely, Downpatrick Water Supply, and the area of charge fixed for this work is not affected by the Order. There are, however, fourteen other special areas in this union for works of minor importance, and these areas have been consolidated by the Board's Order of the 15th May. I do not consider that this is a case in which any hardship has been inflicted by the Order, whereas the rescinding of it would involve the levying of fourteen special rates; the opening and keeping of fourteen additional accounts in the county books; and an amount of trouble in making detailed calculations which would possibly render necessary the appointment of an extra clerk in the office of the county secretary.