HC Deb 25 July 1899 vol 75 c229
MR. BROOKFIELD (Sussex, Rye)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether some years ago the President of the Swiss Republic was appointed to arbitrate as to the claims of the bondholders of the Delagoa Bay Railway Company upon the Portuguese Government; whether the final replies to the Portuguese case were sent in before the 15th November, 1893, and the Portuguese answer before December, 1894; and how soon a final settlement of this question, affecting the interests of holders of£743,000 worth of stock, is likely to be announced.


The answers to the first two paragraphs are in the affirmative. But it should be explained that the presentation of the replies did not conclude the proceedings which were necessary before the Court could consider its judgment. As stated on the 10th instant, it is believed that the award will be given not later than October next.


What would be the effect if one of the arbitrators died before the award is given? Would it not render the whole proceedings nugatory?


The hon. Gentleman had better give notice of that.