HC Deb 21 July 1899 vol 74 cc1540-1
MR. PIERPOINT (Warrington)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what were the dates of the payments of the ransoms of Colonel Synge, who was captured by brigands near Salonika in February, 1880, and of Mr. Suter, who was captured by brigands near Salonika in April, 1881; what were the respective amounts in English money; and on what grounds these ransoms of two English subjects were paid out of the surplus of the Cyprus tribute instead of out of the English Treasury; whether the money so paid is regarded as a loan to the English Treasury from the surplus of the Cyprus tribute; and whether interest thereon is paid into the said surplus fund.


Colonel Synge's, ransom was paid March 31st, 1880; Mr. Suter's May 26th, 1881. As will be seen from the Blue Book, Turkey, No. 11 (1881), page 39, the amount of the former ransom was £10,835 4s. 3d.; that of the latter £13,636. The grounds on which these ransoms were paid out of the surplus of the Cyprus tribute will be seen from Earl Granville's despatch to the Earl of Dufferin of September 26th, 1881 (Turkey, No. 11, 1881, page 39). The answer to the remaining part of the question is in the negative.