HC Deb 21 July 1899 vol 74 c1550
MR. O'MALLEY (Galway, Connemara)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster-General, if he is aware that the morning delivery of letters in Letterfrack, County Galway, is almost invariably late, and that great inconvenience is caused thereby to the residents and tourists; whether he is aware that the local post office officials have notified to those now having their letters delivered on Sundays that in future such delivery will not be made; and if he will take steps to have the letters delivered on Sundays as heretofore.


Letterfrack is served by road from Galway, a distance of about fifty miles. During the last four weeks the mail car has reached Letterfrack late on fifteen occasions. The average time lost on the journey has been eleven minutes, due chiefly to heavy parcel mails. Every effort is made to maintain punctuality, and having regard to the difficulties of the service, very fair time is being kept. The Sunday delivery was temporarily discontinued under a misapprehension, and will be restored forth with.