HC Deb 18 July 1899 vol 74 cc1168-9
MR. J. H. ROBERTS (Denbighshire, W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the reports in the press of the evil effects of the sale of spirits in Lagos and the district known as Southern Nigeria; whether he has any information as to the number of gallons imported into these districts during the last financial year of the Royal Niger Company; and whether, in view of the proposed assumption by the Government of the administration of these territories, he will immediately consider what steps can be taken to check the present importation of spirits to the regions referred to, and to secure their continued exclusion from Northern Nigeria.


The hon. Member appears to be in some confusion as to these countries. Lagos is a colony—there is at present no district known as Southern Nigeria—probably he intends to refer to the Niger Coast Protectorate, which is under the administration of Her Majesty's Government—the territories of the Royal Niger Company, which will shortly come under the administration of Her Majesty's Government, are distinct from the Protectorate. My attention has been called to the reports referred to. The number of gallons of spirits imported in 1898 was as follows: Lagos, 1,366,794; Niger Coast Protectorate, 1,164,108; Niger Company's Territories, 178,068. Steps have recently been taken to cheek the importation of spirits into these regions by raising the duty to 3s. per proof gallon, and the exclusion of spirits from Northern Nigeria will be maintained.