HC Deb 17 July 1899 vol 74 c988

Order for Third Reading read.

* MR. PERKS (Lincolnshire, Louth)

Before this Bill is read the third time I want to point out that the clause relating to preaching on the sands at Rhyl has no doubt been greatly modified. But the provision in the Provisional Order does not really do more than maintain the old common law. What I wish to say without opposing this Bill and putting off the Third Reading in consequence, is simply that the Wesleyan Church has had furnished to it a very long list of bye-laws of county councils and boroughs which contain the original powers which have been modified in this Order, and we shall do our best, when opportunity offers, to get the law altered so that the right of public preaching may be unrestrained, and in any case that these bye-laws may conform to the improved conditions which the Committee have unanimously imposed on the town of Rhyl.

Bill read the third time and passed.