HC Deb 17 July 1899 vol 74 c992
SIR J. COLOMB (Great Yarmouth)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether he will cause a map of the United Kingdom to be placed in the Tea Room for the information of Members, distinguishing by coloured dashes and combination of coloured dashes sites of barracks in existence in 1871; sites where barracks were altered or built under the provisions of the Localisation Act, 1872; sites where barracks were altered, or built, or are in process of building, under the provisions of the Barrack Act, 1897; sites where barracks were altered, built, or are in process of building, under the provisions of the Barrack Act, 1890; sites where barracks are to be altered or built under the provisions of the Military Works Bill; and enclosing in a black circle those sites disused, and the date of their disuse, since 1871.


I cannot promise a map exhibiting all the information asked for by the hon. and gallant Member, but I will have one prepared giving as much detail as can be collected without undue delay.


Will it be in the Library before the Committee Stage of the Works Bill is reached?


That will depend on the arrangement of the business of the House. I hope to get it done within the week.