CAPTAIN SINCLAIRI beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War why the information contained in the paragraph in The Times, of 5th July, with regard to military preparations for South Africa was communicated by the Secretary of State for War to The Times before any information was given to this House.
§ * MR. WYNDHAMHad any hon. Member asked me a question upon this subject I should have been quite ready to give him the same information.
§ MR. DILLONHas The Times newspaper been adopted by the War Office as the official journal in any sense, and why did the War Office not make the Communication to other journals as well?
§ * MR. WYNDHAMI think the hon. Member is attaching undue importance to the notice of the events referred to which appeared in The Times. There was little in that notice which had not been announced by other papers sonic days before.
§ MR. SWIFT MAcNEILL (Donegal, S.)No, no.
MR, DAVITTMay not the publication of the information in The Times be 886 for the purpose of concealing proposed. military operations from the Boers?
§ * MR. SPEAKEROrder, order!