HC Deb 04 July 1899 vol 73 c1411

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Her Majesty's Government have received any information regarding any disputes or difficulties which have recently arisen with reference to or in connection with the French shore in Newfoundland; and, if so, whether be can state what is the nature of those difficulties or differences, and what methods are being taken to remove them.


A telegram was received on the 21st ultimo from the Governor of Newfoundland, reporting that the French senior Naval officer had removed salmon nets belonging to British fishermen on the Treaty shore. No additional particulars have since been received. The British Naval officers will, doubtless, take the requisite steps for the settlement of this difficulty.


Will the Government make inquiry as to how this matter is proceeding, or do they intend to leave it to be fought out by the Naval officers?

[No answer was given]

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