HC Deb 04 August 1899 vol 75 c1492
SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean)

I wish to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether he proposes to take the resolutions as they appear on the Paper, or to follow the precedent of last year and to postpone the Votes which were discussed last night, in order that we may discuss those which were not discussed.


If my memory serves me right, the action I took last year was in response to a demand made that I should bring in certain specific Votes at an early hour on the last day. No such demand has reached me on this occasion, and therefore I have made no special arrangements. But perhaps I may. appeal to the House to pass lightly over the Votes already discussed, in order that the time at its disposal might be devoted to Votes on which nothing has been said.


Will the right hon. Gentleman, before next year, consider whether, by some modification of the rules, he cannot give the House an option in the matter?


I think that some change as that suggested by the right hon. Baronet would be extremely convenient. At present the Government are bound to put down the Votes on the Report stage precisely in the order in which they are discussed in Committee. That is a restriction on our natural liberties which is not necessary for the conduct of business, and if I can make any change I shall be glad to do so.