HC Deb 04 August 1899 vol 75 c1474

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can state if Metropolitan police constables are entitled to full pay whilst suffering from severe injuries received in the execution of their duty; and if so, why Police Constable York, of the Peckham division, who had his left cheek-bone fractured by a kick from a violent prisoner in March last, is now on ordinary sick pay though still unable to resume duty.


The regulations provide for a deduction of 1s. per diem from the pay of police while on the sick-list, but this deduction is not usually made when an officer is suffering from the results of injuries received in the execution of his duty. Police Constable York was on the sick-list for ninety-seven days in consequence of the injuries he received, and during that time no deductions were made from his pay. He resumed duty on the 12th June last, but again went sick on the 19th June. In the opinion of the chief surgeon, who is the responsible medical officer, there were no circumstances connected with this renewed period of sick leave to justify its being treated in an exceptional manner so far as the usual deductions are concerned, and he is of opinion that the police constable has practically recovered from his injuries.