HC Deb 03 August 1899 vol 75 c1282

On behalf of the hon. Member for South Donegal, I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether Her Majesty's Government have received a petition from the British merchants in Constantinople, dated 9th May, 1898, praying for an early settlement of their claims against the Turkish Government for losses sustained by them in August, 1896, during the pillage of Pera, Galata, Stamboul, and Hasskein by a mob; whether Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Sublime Porte has reported that the mob in question was organised by and worked under the orders of Turkish officials whose names are known to the Ambassador; whether the Secretary of State is aware that two British firms at Constantinople have been compelled to suspend payment in consequence of the magnitude of their losses on that occasion, and that other firms are in financial difficulties from the same cause; and whether, seeing that no attention has been paid by the Ottoman Government to the note verbale, addressed to it by Sir Philip Currie on 24th March, 1898, Her Majesty's Government will now consider the advisability of liquidating the claims of the petitioners and recovering the sum paid from the Ottoman Government from the profits which will accrue by the conversion of the Cyprus Tribute into Two and a-half Per Cent. Consolidated Stock.


The petition has been received. Her Majesty's Ambassador has not made the Report stated, but Her Majesty's Government consider that there are grounds for holding the Turkish Government liable to make compensation in certain cases. Her Majesty's Government are aware that the losses suffered on the occasion have caused serious embarrassment to several of the sufferers. They will continue to press the claim, but no arrangement has yet been made of the nature suggested in regard to the surplus revenue of Cyprus, and, consequently, no assurance can be given on the subject.