HC Deb 01 August 1899 vol 75 c1048
MR. RYDER (Gravesend)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware of the foul condition of the River Thames between London and Purrfleet; whether he is aware of the noxious odour arising therefrom; can he explain the cause; and will he take immediate steps, in the interests of the health of those travelling and engaged thereon, with a view to remedy the evils complained of.


My right hon. friend has communicated with the Conservators of the River Thames on this subject, and he is informed that the only specific complaint they have received related to the condition of the river on the 21st July, when the Harbour Master reported that the water was black with unpleasant odour at Jenningtree Point, the discoloration being traceable to the Metropolitan main drainage outfall. The outfall works are under the control of the London County Council, and the Conservators have brought the Report under the notice of the Council. The Conservators further state that inquiries have been made by their officers on the river as to the recent condition of the water, and they report that during the past week or two the condition of the water has not been satisfactory. They consider this due in some measure to the hot weather, but are of opinion that the river water in the neighbourhood of Crossness has recently been affected by the discharge from the main drainage outfall. The attention of the London County Council will be called to the matter referred to in the question of the hon. Member.