HC Deb 01 August 1899 vol 75 c1060

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether the Government are still prepared to hand over the £12,000 already promised to an eminent contractor, if such can be had, to re-equip the Parsonstown and Portumna derelict Railway, or whether they would advance still further a sum of £6,000; and whether he is aware that Mr. Thomas S. Irwin, C.E., has gone over and thoroughly inspected the line, and his estimate for equipping such as to pass Board of Trade inspector is £23,000, details of which can be furnished if necessary; and also that the Great Southern and Western Railway Company will enter into terms to work the line in perpetuity, and may give a small rent, to be introduced pro ratâ on good permanent traffic.


Perhaps I may be allowed to answer this question, as I have repeatedly answered others on the same subject. An offer of £12,000 was made by the Government towards the reconstruction of the line some time ago. But no advantage was taken of the offer, which must now be considered as having lapsed. I have no information with regard to the second part of the question.