§ Order for the Second Reading read.
§ MR. STUARToffered to postpone till 1st June the Motion—
That Standing Order 194 be suspended in the case of the London Water (Finance) Bill.
§ MR. SPEAKERAfter the discussion that has taken place I think I should state at once that I should have to inform the House that this Bill was not properly before them. It is in breach of Standing Order 194, and that will not be cured by the Motion that Standing Order 194 be suspended. It is not a proper course to introduce this Bill as a Private Bill, which by the Standing Order cannot be introduced as a Private Bill, and then to say that it is properly introduced, and that on the Motion that it be read a second time the Standing Order be suspended. The proper course is to bring it in as a Public Bill, if the Standing Order so requires it, and, having brought it in as a Public Bill, ask the House to take any course the honourable Member may think fit to take to carry out the object of the Bill; but I should be obliged to tell the House when it came on for Second Reading that I must decline to put it.
§ MR. STUARTOn the point of Order I think I follow you, Sir; understanding that the Bill cannot be introduced as a Private Bill, and therefore it cannot be proceeded with so far as the Standing Order has been suspended for the purpose. But if the Standing Order has been suspended, then the Bill either introduced as a Public Bill or in some 688 other way with which you are familiar, in accordance with the forms of the House, it can then be proceeded with, and could be introduced owing to the suspension of the Standing Order. The Standing Order is first to be suspended, and then the Bill introduced and proceeded with.
§ MR. SPEAKERIf there were an Order made by the House for the Private Bill, suspending the Standing Order, then the Bill proposed to be brought in might be introduced, but that must be done before any steps are taken. That could not apply to this Bill.
§ Bill withdrawn.