HC Deb 21 April 1899 vol 70 c211

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether there is any prospect of the improved system of gas lighting, which has been introduced with such excellent results into the Mall of St. James's Park, being extended to other portions of the public parks and thoroughfares; and whether there is any means of compelling the local authorities to improve in a similar manner the lighting of streets throughout London?


I shall be glad to extend the system of lighting, lately introduced into the Mall, into other thoroughfares under my control as funds are available. My honourable Friend will have noticed that a considerable sum is again voted in this year's Estimates for improving the lighting of the parks. I would invite his attention also to the improvement I have lately effected in this direction in Trafalgar Square. As regards the streets in charge of local authorities, I am unable to make any statement, as the matter is altogether outside my jurisdiction.