HC Deb 17 April 1899 vol 69 cc1399-400

Question proposed— That this Bill be read a third time this day (Tuesday).

MR. PIRIE (Aberdeen, N.)

I beg to move that "Thursday" be substituted for "this day."


Order, order! The honourable Member cannot do that at this hour without general consent.


I would point out, on behalf of my honourable Friend the Member for East Aberdeenshire, that if the First Lord of the Treasury would be good enough to arrange that this Bill shall not be taken until 10 o'clock or later, the consideration thus shown would be greatly appreciated by many Members who feel deeply interested in the Motion which is down for discussion to-morrow night, and which does not deal with a trifling matter.


I do not know whether I shall be in order in discussing this matter tonight, but I am unwilling not to respond to the appeal which has been made to me. I wish to point out, however, that I gave very full notice last week that the business for to-night would be the not very excessive business of carrying the Second Reading of the Bill which we have just been discussing, and the referring it to the Grand Committee, and the Third Reading of the Metropolitan Water Bill. I then said that if, unfortunately, these Bills could not be carried through, I would ask the House to give us so much of Tuesday as would be required to finish that programme. I do not think that anyone will for a moment accuse me of having made an undue demand on the time of the House. I do not believe that the Third Reading of the Bill of my right honourable Friend, which deals with metropolitan water, will take more than a quarter of an hour. There was a little discussion on the Second Reading, and it went readily through the Select Committee. On the Third Reading nothing but the principle of the Measure can be discussed, and I cannot believe that the House seriously wishes to debate that at length. If the Bill is disposed of, as I suggest it can be in a quarter of an hour, the honourable Member for Aberdeenshire will have the fullest field for dealing with the important Resolution which he has placed on the Paper.


This day.