HC Deb 13 April 1899 vol 69 c984
MR. BARTLEY () Islington, N.

I beg-to ask the Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education whether his attention has been drawn to the money prizes offered to all students who pass in science and art which are advertised in the "School Board for London Gazette"; whether it is a, fact that these money prizes are offered by the School Board for London; and, if so, out of what funds they are paid, and under what Statute this expenditure is incurred; and whether the prizes are limited to pupils in Board Schools?


My attention was called to the matter by the honourable Member's Question. The London School Board inform me that the prizes—which are not money prizes—have been given since 1894. They are paid out of the School Fund, and the legality of such payment is about to be inquired into by the Local Government Board auditor. They are limited to scholars in Board schools.