HC Deb 24 May 1898 vol 58 cc626-7

"Page 32, after clause 59, insert the following clause—

  1. "(1) The secretary of every county council and the clerk of every urban district council shall within one month after making a poor rate, send to every board of guardians for a union wholly or partly situate within the county or district, a copy, certified by such, secretary to be a true copy, of so much of the rate book containing such poor rate as relates to the union.
  2. "(2) Every county council shall arrange by contract for all printing, whether of lists, forms, registers, or otherwise, required in connection with the Registration Acts, or with the Jurors (Ireland) Acts, 1871 to 1894, 627 whether such printing is required by the secretary of the council, or any clerk of the peace, clerk of a union, or town clerk, and the said printing shall be done in accordance with the contract so made, and not otherwise, unless in any exceptional case the county council for special reasons so permit.
  3. "(3) Every such contract shall be made, and the like tenders shall be obtained in like manner, so nearly as circumstances admit, as in the case of a public work, the expenses of which are leviable off the county at large."—(Mr. Gerald Belfour.)

Clause read a second time.

Amendment proposed— Line 2, leave out 'one month,' and insert 'three months.'"—(Mr. Plunkett.)

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment proposed— Line 6, after 'union,' insert— Such copy shall be received as evidence of the contents of the rate book in any court, in like manner as if it was the original rate book; and a copy, or extract of such copy, or any part thereof, may be certified under the hand of the clerk of the union as being a true copy of the said rate book, or any part thereof, or of the valuation of any lands as appearing in the rate book, and shall be received in evidence in all respects as if the same were a copy or extract from the original rate book."—(Mr. M. Healy.)


I object to the wording of this Amendment, and I think it had better follow the wording of the 9th section. The honourable Member will find that practically his Amendment is already provided for in clause 74, subsection 9.


I am quite satisfied with that explanation, and I bog leave to withdraw my Amendment.


I think it will be a very great inconvenience for anyone who desires information to have to go and ask the clerk of the union for it, and some other facilities ought to be provided for.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause as amended added to the Bill without a Division.

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