HC Deb 23 May 1898 vol 58 cc415-7

I wish to acquaint the House, with reference to the resolution passed on Friday with regard to the funeral of and monument to Mr. Gladstone, that a telegram has been received from Balmoral to the following effect:— The Queen gives her assent to the Addresses from both Houses of Parliament as to Mr. Gladstone's funeral. I presume that a formal reply will be sent in the ordinary course. A letter has been received by the Prime Minister from the right honourable Gentleman the Member for West Leeds, writing a behalf of Mrs. Gladstone and the family, gratefully accepting the proposed honour to Mr. Gladstone's memory, on certain conditions which will appear in the letter. The letter will be published, I understand, in the course of this evening. The funeral is fixed to take place on Saturday morning. The Duke of Norfolk, as Earl Marshal, is making the necessary arrangements, and a statement in regard to these arrangements will be published in tomorrow's morning newspapers. I wish to give notice that to-morrow I propose to move— That this House will attend the funeral of the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, on Saturday next, May 28th. In order to make arrangements for the purpose I hope the House will waive any notice, and in pursuance of custom on such occasions will at once proceed to appoint a committee to consider the matter. If that be so I would move now— That a Select Committee be appointed to consider the circumstances relating to the attendance of this House at the funeral of the late Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, on May 28th, and that the Committee do consist of the following Members:—Mr. Akers-Douglas, Mr. Thomas Ellis, Sir T. Esmonde, Sir W. Harcourt, Sir H. Maxwell, Mr. J. Wharton, and myself; that three be a quorum, and that the Committee have leave to sit and proceed forthwith.

MR. J. MORLEY (Montrose Burghs)

. There in one question I would like to put to the right honourable Gentleman. It is whether, in the communication which will be made public to-morrow, the arrangements connected with Westminster Hall will be included?


I understand that will be so.

The Motion was agreed to.


I have to communicate to the House that I have received the following telegram from the President of the Chamber of Deputies at Athens. The telegram is dated May 20, but it arrived too late to be read to the House on Friday— In the name of my colleagues of the Hellenic Parliament, I beg you to transmit to the honourable Members of the House of Commons the expression of our grief at the loss of that eminent statesman and friend of Greece, Gladstone. He was entitled to the gratitude of the Greek people, and his name will ever be venerated by my fellow countrymen.


Perhaps I may venture to express the hope that you, Sir, will send an appropriate answer.