MR. P. O'BRIENI beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether the maximum pay of clerks in the smaller amalgamated post offices is 34s. to 36s. per week, and the maximum in the larger offices is 54s. to 56s. per week; whether the clerks in the smaller offices have the same duties to discharge and are they in numerous cases kept on duty from 12 to 15 hours per day, in opposition to the recommendations of the Tweedmouth Committee; and whether he will call for a Return of the hours worked by these clerks with the view of bringing their hours of labour and their scale of pay under the rules regulating the treatment of clerks in the larger offices?
§ MR. HANBURYThe maximum pay for male sorting clerks and telegraphists ranges from 50s. to 56s. a week at the larger provincial post offices, and from 34s. to 44s. a week at the amalgamated offices. The offices are divided into groups according to their size and importance, with maxima ranging from 34s. to 56s. a week. The sorting clerks and telegraphists at the smaller offices have the same kind of duty as those at the larger offices, but it is not equally onerous and important. It is not believed that any officers are kept on duty from 12 to 15 hours a day. If they are, it is a breach of the rules which would be immediately rectified if represented by the officers concerned. Such a Return as the honourable Member suggests is not necessary, as the hours of labour and the scales of pay are generally in accordance with the recommendations of Lord Tweed-mouth's Committee.