HC Deb 20 May 1898 vol 58 c118

"The President of the Storthing."

The other is from the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy, dated Rome, this day—

"To the Right; Honourable the Speaker of the "House of Commons. London.

"The news of the death of William Gladstone has been received with profound sorrow by the Italian Nation. Ever mindful of the interest constantly shown by that great statesman in the cause of our national resurrection, his death has awakened a heartfelt and solemn echo of grief in the hearts of my colleagnes of the Chamber of Deputies. As the Chamber is now prorogued, it falls upon me, in virtue of my office as President, to interpret their sentiments, and to assure the House of Commons of our lively participation in its grief at the loss of so eminent a member, whose whole life was one constant devotion to the service of his country.
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