HC Deb 16 May 1898 vol 57 c1386
MR. DAVITT (Mayo, S.)

I beg to ask the Colonial Secretary a Question of which I have given him short private notice, and which is this: Whether he is correctly reported in the Times of Saturday as having used the following language in his speech in Birmingham on Friday last?— The expected happened, and Russia did go down to Port Arthur and Talienwan. As to the way in which Russia secured that occupation, as to the representations which were made and repudiated as soon as made, as to the promises which were given and broken a fortnight afterwards, I had better perhaps say nothing, except"—


Order, order! The honourable Member is not in order in reading a paragraph from a newspaper. If he has a specific Question to found on something that occurs in the report of the right honourable Gentleman's speech he can ask it.


Very well. I ask whether, if these words were used, he thinks such language and sentiments are consonant with friendly relations between this country and Russia?


Order, order! That is entirely a matter of opinion.

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