HC Deb 28 March 1898 vol 55 c1068

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Austrian troops are about to leave Crete at an early date and the greater part of the Austrian squadron to leave Cretan waters; and, if so, will the guarantee Powers, England, France, and Russia, take steps for the immediate settlement of the question of the Cretan Governorship by the appointment of Prince George of Greece?


Her Majesty's Government have received official notice of the intention of the Austro-Hungarian Government to withdraw their squadron and contingent of troops from Crete by the 15th of April, only leaving a sufficient naval force for the protection of their Consular authorities and nationals. This Measure is stated not to imply withdrawal from the European Concert, nor any departure from the policy followed from the first by Austria-Hungary in the Cretan Question. The Austrian Government will continue to co-operate diplomatically with the other Powers towards a final settlement. The occasion for independent action by the guaranteeing Powers has not therefore arisen.