§ MR. T. BAYLEY (Derbyshire, Chesterfield)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether the dogs owned by the landlord of a public house or of an hotel have to be muzzled in the house during the whole time that the house is open to customers; and, if so, whether he can see his way to relax this part of the muzzling order?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTUREThe reply to the inquiry of the hon. Member depends upon whether a public-house or an hotel is to be regarded as a public place, and this is a legal question which I have no authority to decide. It is, however, very desirable if rabies is to be eradicated, that dogs should be muzzled whenever they are likely to come into contact with other dogs, which would usually be the case on premises such as those to which the hon. Member refers.
§ MR. R. MCKENNA (Monmouth, N.)Did the Board consider the questions whether an hotel was a public place before it issued the Order?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTUREIt is not the duty of the Board to consider anything of the kind. The enforcement of the law rests with the local authority and the police.
§ MR. MCKENNABut you considered the nature of the Order?
§ MR. BAYLEYWould a prosecution against the owner of an unmuzzled dog in a public house be a legal prosecution or not?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTUREI cannot undertake to answer legal conundrums of that kind.